lundi 18 août 2014

PHP 5.3.29 came out, and it is EOL - End of Life

14 Aug 2014: The PHP development team announces the release of PHP 5.3.29. This release marks the end of life of the PHP 5.3 series. 

The thing is: why putting it EOL now, when it is the most widely used version worldwide?
Yes, PHP version 5.3 is since march 2013 the most used version, just ahead of 5.2 (google it to verify).
See this link about php version 5.3.

In example collects stats about WordPress installs, you can see it at
Versions 5.2 & 5.3 represents almost 80% of the live PHP websites!

The authors of PHP will not force them to switch, because the installed PHP will live with the installed Linux.
Even for security reasons, they will not force them to do it (even if security is the main driver, not the new features: who eagerly need traits?).

Putting it EOL means no more security fix.
it is weird decision, because it ends up in reinforcing the feeling that PHP is insecure.

I am quite sure not to be the only one to think it is just another bad decision.

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